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What is ozone therapy?

By April 15, 2024No Comments

Ozone gas, a molecule with 3 oxygen atoms, was discovered in the mid 1800’s. It was first used at this time in water purification. It has been used to treat and disinfect wounds for over 150 years. Notably, in the first world war ozone was used to treat infected wounds. 

There are several routes of administration of medical-grade ozone. Ozone can be administered topically with ozonated oils, or through filling a specialized bag that surrounds a wound with ozone gas.  This is known as an ozone “bath.” Ozonated water can used for gastrointestinal infections or as a mouthwash for periodontal infections. Ozone can also be given rectally or vaginally through insufflation for various infections and other issues. Ozone can also be injected intramuscular/subcutaneously for pain syndromes or into joints to promote healing. Another common systemic route of delivery for ozone is through intravenous administration accomplished by two methods – ozonated saline and major autohemotherapy. Ozone is infused into the saline, and then intravenously given to the patient. In the second approach, blood is withdrawn from the patient, mixed with ozone and then given back to the patient. This can be repeated up to 10 times. The common term is 10 pass ozone.

Ozone has a unique ability to inactivate pathogens by disrupting the integrity of the bacterial cell wall, damaging the viral capsid in viruses, and inhibiting cell growth in fungi. Studies have also shown that ozone downregulates the inflammatory cascade, is immune-modulating, oxygenating, oxidation-balancing, and has positive vascular effects. 

Ozone treatments has demonstrated good results in the areas of infections, wound healing, autoimmune disease, inflammatory conditions, and pain syndromes. Quality of life studies for patients undergoing ozone treatments have shown improvement in several categories such as improved physical function, mobility, vitality, mood, energy, and decrease chemotherapy side effects.

A 2024 article in The American Journal for Managed Care states, “Studies show ozone therapy can effectively reduce chemotherapy side effects, heal treatment-related complications, improve blood flow and oxygen levels, and restore immune function in patients with breast cancer. This promising approach warrants collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and regulators to integrate ozone therapy into standard breast cancer care.” There is a significant body of literature supporting the application of medical-grade ozone.

The regenerative ability of this supercharged oxygen molecule has proven effective in several diseases and disorders. Ozone therapy may offer patients quality treatment outcomes for a variety of health issues.


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